Thursday, 26 June 2014

Planning Update

When we were beginning to film we noticed that we had made the planning too ambitious so made a newer plan on something that we could do to show a range of camera angles, movements and shots. 

1.       Establishing shot of kitchen
2.       Close up of Sophie turning on the radio
3.       Mid shot of Sophie putting her hair up
4.       Long shot of Sophie putting her apron on
5.       Close up of her washing her hands
6.       Tight frame of getting butter out of fridge
7.       Object of interest is toaster
8.       Tracking of walking to bread bin (feet)
9.       Tilt to show Sophie going into breadbin
10.   High angle shot of Sophie getting bread out of bin
11.   Track of Sophie walking to toaster
12.   Close up of bread being put into toaster
13.    Close up of clock moving (2 mins)
14.   Crane shot of bread popping out of toaster
15.   POV pull out draw with plates
16.   Object of interest plate
17.   Putting toast onto plate (shows hands)
18.   Over the shoulder shot of putting on butter
19.   Track of walking over to Erin gives toast
20.   Erin eats camera (toast) 

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