Monday, 15 December 2014

Example of Music we could use in our trailer

Due to finishing the script for our trailer, it was important to start focusing on the music that we could use for the trailer as this will be another big thing that the audience notices when they are listening to the music and the watching the trailer. Use of music in the background of the trailer can help the audience understand the story and develop their ideas on what will be happening next and the story that is yet to come. 

Friday, 12 December 2014

November Feedback

This is my blog feedback from November on what is going well and what I can improve on for the future to make me get a higher grade.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Audience Feedback on Film Logos

We (Me and Sophie) asked more of our audience what they thought of our film logos for Plan C and ways in which we could improve them in the future to make them more suitable for the film and the narrative that we are trying to get across. The audience gave us some more ideas on logos that we could create which will be very helpful when it comes to choosing the final one. 

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Results from Survey Monkey Results - Production Logos

I set up a questionnaire on Survey Monkey to be able to get in contact with my target audience and find out what they thought of my production logo ideas. There feedback was brilliant and these are the results and my final conclusion. 

When looking at the audience feedback from the survey monkey questionnaire that we put up we have found that the target audience for our trailer like the idea of the idea of the tightrope the most out of all the ideas as this is the one that the audience say is most unique from existing products and goes with the title itself. Other people that answered the question said that they liked the film reel idea because it looks like a real life film logo that people would use on existing products. The logo ideas that the target audience did not like was the BP logo and the scales, but we did not ask why the audience did not like this idea and that is something that we could ask in a future questionnaire or if we had been able to redo the final questionnaire we would have been able to ask why they did not like it and what they would change if they had the choice to be able to change it.  Most of the people that answered our questionnaire said that they had other ideas for what our logo could look like and the ideas that they had were very creative and might be made into logos in the future. The findings that we had have helped us a lot as we are now more aware of what the target audience are looking for in our production logo and we are able to incorporate their ideas into the ones that we already have to make a logo that everyone is impressed by. The designs that we have already made will be edited using the ideas that the audience feedback gave us so that the target audience will be more likely to want to come and see the product that we have produced. 
The feedback from the target audience was very helpful as it has helped us to decide on new ideas that we could use and we are more confident when it comes to making the final trailer. 


This is my storyboard for my trailer, they are all the shots that I need to take with a visual idea of what the shot will look like with a detailed idea on the camera instructions, audio track and a comment on what the character will be wearing for example. 

Monday, 1 December 2014

Name Change

When it came to finally designing the film logo for our film, we made a group decision that we wanted to change what the film was going to be called as the name ''From Bethlehem To Bedlam'' did not suit the sort of trailer that we wanted to create as we felt as a group that the name did not create the correct audience attraction for our final trailer so we chose to start a fresh with a new name on something that suited the film more than the idea we had before and changed the name to ''Plan C'' as this name for the film shows that the character has three personalities and the last one (the letter C after A and B) was the one that she chose that she wanted and that would be the idea that she had and carried out. When it then came to designing another film logo we found there were a lot more ideas that we could use for ''Plan C'' and there are multiple examples on my blog. Plan C shows the characters personalities and that the film will end with the final plan of death. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Film Logo Ideas

Here are my film logo ideas for the main title name, these ideas and designs will change over time to become more suitable for the film and target the audience to the highest standard. 

Key Scene 3

This is the third key scene that I have filmed to advertise my film and make sure that I have started filming some shots for my final trailer. 

Friday, 21 November 2014

APB Music Record Company

Our group got in contact with APB music who is the company that are in charge of the copyrights for Fall Out Boys music and there song 'Centuries' which I am interested in using when I make my trailer as the music would suit the trailer very well, I sent them an email asking them if it was OK to use there music in my work. Unfortunately they did not reply. 

Shot List

Here is my shot list for the trailer and is similar to my storyboard, it just explains in more detail the individual shot in more detail than it does on the storyboard. 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Key Scenes 1&2

These are my key scenes 1 and 2 which are how they would be shown in my trailer (these clips may be used in the making of my final trailer) and show some of the shots that were written on my storyboard and shot list. 

Questionnaire on Audience Feedback for Production Logos

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Essay - Attack the Block

Essay; analyse the collective identity of British youth in a film of your choice.

‘Attack the Block’ is a British sci-fi, action and comedy that is set on a council estate in South London where a gang of male teenagers need to defend them and the community from being attacked by alien creatures. They come across to the audience as being very violent as they attack the creatures with great force and scare them with fireworks which could be stolen as the characters are portraying a very stereotypical ‘chav’ group of people.

The film is set at night time where most crime is typically occurs in every neighbourhood.  The setting is a council estate where stereotypically people on benefits live and they aren’t very nice people as they are rude and take other people’s money. Every character is dressed in tracksuits and walk around the streets showing they are very powerful and that their parents cannot control them by keeping them at home. The characters are a range of ages with the youngest character being around 10 years old and getting a bad influence on how they are meant to behave from the older males in the film. All of the actors are male showing it is a male dominated film; however there was women that play a massive role in the film as they show the change in the personalities of the characters as they develop through the film and learn about themselves. The bad group of people cause ‘moral panic’ as they attack a random woman in the streets when they try and steal her handbag but they later on save her and make her aware that they are not as evil as they come across as. The actors are not big Hollywood actors showing that the film is low budget; however the film uses the natural light of the streets to portray the characters as being intimidating but using affects to show the aliens are bold and powerful. They speak using a lot of slang and make themselves come across to the audience as being uneducated as they can’t find the correct grammar and words to be able to get across what is going on during the alien attack and with the quote of ‘I just want to go home and play Fifa’ the audience is able to tell that they are lazy and enjoy just staying home rather than getting a job.

 Poletta & Jaspar

The young males are the collective group during the film and are labelled by the people such as the women and man who live in the estate with them that have decided that this group of people are vile human beings that are only around so that they can cause destruction and make other people’s lives worst to enjoy their own more.  The group of male characters that are in the film as shown as being very loud towards other people along with wearing dark tracksuits, this is looked at by the adults and the other people that are in that area that they are then a group of males that cause a panic towards other people and are a very negative group in society (grouped by the outsiders who are the adults).


All of the experiences that the male group of characters make them one group of people as they are all together every night and causing havoc for the people that live around them, all of the characters think that they are unique such as the woman thinking that she is one because she has a job and doesn’t associate with those sorts of people but she is actually very similar to the group of boys as she experiences the attack and has to try saving herself and the people around her.  

Tafjal & Turner

The characters in the film especially the group of males will have multiple social identities as when they are out on the streets of London with their friends they need to make sure they come across as being very strong hearted when they are attacking people and scaring people to walk away as a sense of power. However when they visit home before the attack happens to get weapons the characters are very different with their families as they are very polite and make sure that they are aware of where they are going and what time they will be home at.


The people in the group are always learning more about who they really are and the group that they are with (the gang of males that are very rude and scary) will be who the younger characters in the group will become as they think that it is right to look and act as they do, the younger members in the group will be shaped identity wise by the group that they hang round with – all of the older boys – as they don’t realise any different, especially as one of the younger boys is brothers with one of the older ones, they will look up to this person and want to be like them.


The characters change from being rude and violent people when they try to steal the woman’s handbag and then help her save her own life and their own. The theory does link in with the film as the characters change who they are throughout the film and show a different side to themselves when they are helping to make a large change to the community. The characters change who they are throughout the film itself, proving that the theory is accurate. 


The lifestyle choice that the gang are choosing is to be naughty and make sure that people know who they are it is a very negative lifestyle, the members of the gang will experiment with whether or not they want to live the life of a future criminal or become successful like the women who is a nurse. The group does actually tell the younger members that they should go home whilst the attack is occurring which shows the audience that their parents have also influenced their identity by showing them how to care for someone and want them to be safe.

Rotten Tomatoes gave the film a 7.4/10 and said that the film was a mix of scares, laughs and social mixes and was very British showing that the people that rated the film think that all of the youth in Britain are very similar to the people that are in the film which gives British youth a negative look as they think that all youth are rude and stay out late. IMDB gave an even lower rating of 6.6/10 due to it containing strong language and violence and enjoyed the idea of the characters starting as a villain and becoming good and recommend the film to other people.


Friday, 7 November 2014

Titles For Production Company

When I looked at my hand drawn logos I decided that I wanted to make them into well made logo ideas which I made on Firewords. My favourite logo idea that I did is the one of the woman on the tightrope as it is a simple image where it is clear what the company is about. I like the different fonts and styles that I used to create a range of different ideas and styles.

Essay on Saw

This is my essay on the film Saw.

Essay - Saw

It is an American film released in 2004 that became a franchise, the film had a very small budget and was all recorded in 18 days which meant that the film wasn’t going to be up to a massive Hollywood budget standard, but it doesn’t need to be due to most horror films being low budget because there is no need for fancy effects and Hollywood star actors. The story in the first film is to do with the two main male characters that are chained in a bathroom and given instructions on what they need to do to be able to survive and win. Police investigate into the murders that are occurring and try’s to find the victims locations and learn how to defeat the game, the characters that are in the film need to decide which thing they would rather kill to live themselves and see if they have earn a good life back. The man who runs the games has cancer and wants to see whether or not they are happy with the life that they have been given to see if they are grateful of what they have. The people that viewed the film had very mixed opinions on whether they liked it or not due to it being a very twisted film and a very gruesome horror.

The first scene in the film is to do with the main character ‘Lawrence’ next to a bathtub attached to a pipe where he cannot escape the lighting is very dull and there are no big clues inside the room apart from the saw in the middle of the room and a range of cameras placed around the corners of the room. There is a body in the middle of the floor where there is a tape recorder showing that the clues will slowly start to appear as he learns about the Jigsaw Killer. There are many flashbacks that occur during the film as they show the past life of the different characters making sure that the audience is able to relate to parts of the characters life before the game. At the end of the game the characters are just left to die, in a psychological murder.

Todorov: The film starts with disequilibrium due to the characters being thrown into the bathroom straight away. Equilibrium: the equilibrium is only seen during the flashbacks that the characters are having, during the flashbacks the characters’ lives that they are living where they are able to have their own families and live their everyday lives as their last. They are just getting on with normal things such as working, partying and eating. They might not have everything that they want but they are learning to live with the things that they already have. They are in a good position in life they might be able to get more out of it and be happier but they aren’t having a bad life they just might not appreciate it as much as they possibly could.
Disequilibrium: the problems that occur is that the characters have to play the game where they end up either dying or killing the people that they know (or could be strangers) they are through into a situation that they cannot get out of and are not happy with the things that are happening as they just want to go back to what they used to have, they now appreciate what they have more than they used too which is what the game in Saw is all about. They just want to go back to the way that things were before as things are just slowly getting worse and they are not happy with the things that are occurring during the film. They are beginning to appreciate the old events that were occurring more as they know that they were able to control the events that were happening and make room for improvements. 
New equilibrium: would be that the people are able to escape and carry on with their lives, however they aren’t able too as they are pulled back into the game that jigsaw is playing along with the psychological damage that the characters will be facing. When some of them end up being able to leave and escape their lives will all have been changed as they will be uncomfortable with doing the things that they used to. Even though they are back to the things they used too there will always be the worry that they will be brought into it again and not be comfortable with the idea of doing things that they used to do in the fear that something will go wrong or get worse. They are slowly becoming happier with the things that they have in the case of Saw they are happier with the life that they have been given and are doing things to help the people around them and not just help themselves, this then makes a big impact on their life as they are learning about the things they should be treating with great respects as this is the aim of the game of saw (which is to show people to look after their life and get the most out of it as they aren’t suffering with any illnesses).  

Levi-Strauss: There are many binary opposites that appear during the film due to the constant change in characters and events that are happening. 
·         Positive vs Negative – there should be positive effects on the characters as they are now realising that they should be more appreciative of their life and live it to the maximum that they can do. However it is a negative effect as the characters are thrown into a very difficult situation where they are then left with lifelong psychological problems because of the events that have happened, this could be seeing a death of someone that they are close too or being tortured into admitting their life isn’t as bad as they think it is.
·         Power vs Powerless/Good vs Evil – Jigsaw has lots of power as he is able to treat people as good or as bad as he likes because he is able to use things such as family and friends against them to make them do things that they wouldn’t normally do whereas the powerless are the other characters who are in the game and need to either hurt themselves or others to be able to survive and become very selfish on saving themselves.
·         Female vs Male – there are an equal mix of female and male characters in the film as they appear at different times throughout.  
·         Sane vs insane
·         Survival (life) vs Death – the characters need to try staying alive along with making sure their families and friends stay alive too, it’s a battle of life and death. The characters either need to hurt themselves to live or die with nothing.
·         Harmless vs violent

The opposites will change throughout the film due to different scenarios that the characters are being put in for example sane vs insane the characters are placed in a room where they need to be able to escape they are not thinking properly when they are going through the games events. They make situations worse for themselves such as pushing others into holes and making them not think about what they are doing before they do it.

Propp: All of the characters will be listed in one way or another as a certain character type depending on how much they are seen throughout the film and how often they are asked to do something.
      ·         Villain; Jigsaw who creates the problem and brings people into the situation
·         The Helper (helps the quest); this is also pighead as she makes sure that things are going to plan and that people are learning there lessons throughout the film and the games.
·         Father; is the detective whose son is in the games he needs to try getting him out to save his life and to make sure that the person making all the problems is stopped before they end up getting worse
·         Dispatcher (makes the problems); is themselves as they made the problem for themselves due to having a negative look on life
·         Anti- Hero; Jigsaw tries to teach them a positive lesson by being a hero figure as he wants them to come out of the games by doing something positive however he does a bad thing by putting them in a negative situation and making the characters die one by one for no reason

Action Codes: in the game when the characters get themselves into pointless situations such as when the character Amanda needs to get the key out of her boyfriend to save her own life, she then kills him so that she can get the key and live another day. These events happen one after another and lead to Amanda becoming very alone and sad as she has now murdered someone else to save herself.
Key Enigma Codes: The audience will watch the film and question why the characters are in this sort of situation where they are fighting for their lives, the answer to this question is later revealed when Jigsaw tells them that they are in the game because they do not appreciate their lives.
Signs and Symbols: the saw that has been left on the floor, the tape recorder that plays the message about the game to the characters and make them aware of what is going on. All of these suggest what is going on and links in the violence of the games.
Cultural References: the film is made in both the present tense and in the past as the characters all have flashbacks to their old life and are able to see the situation that they are in and they are always in the same place which is the bathroom that the games are being held in this is where the characters live and die in the games. The film itself is a linear as all of the events that occur in the film follow one after another however during the film it can go back to past event or forward to what might happen when they do something or if they don’t. Due to the film being linear it means that the story carries on going in a good and correct order

Thursday, 6 November 2014


This is the feedback that I got given back from my teacher and made my own comment on how I felt about the comments that I had received. 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Hand Draw Logo Ideas

These are my hand drawn production company logo, the name for my production company is 'balance' which is shown in all of the logos that I have drawn. I like all aspects of the logos that I have drawn and have not decided on my favourite one yet.

Applying Audience Theory

Applying Audience Theory

More PowerPoint presentations from Erin

I took all of the audience theories that I learnt and applied them to my own work and how I could use them in my trailer especially when looking at the genre itself of psychological thrillers. 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Key Scenes Scripts

1.      Looking into the mirror whilst applying make up and realises she doesn't like how she looks anymore.

*Walking up to mirror and begins to look at herself*
*Looks down at bag of makeup and pulls out mascara*
*Starts to apply mascara*
*Finishes putting it on and smiles at self and looks back down at her makeup bag to see what else she can put on or if she wants more makeup on*
*Picks up a tub of eye shadow and begins to take off the lid*
* Applies the eye shadow on very generously as she is getting ready to go out*
*When about to apply on the other eye lid she stops and looks at herself in the mirror in shock at what she has just done*
*She is shocked and begins to rapidly remove the makeup (this is where the characters personalities are changing*
She Says: ‘’who would have chosen such a disgusting colour’’

2.      Date night, the characters are in love and going on date these characters are very happy.

*Walking into the room as the characters are having a movie night*
Rose: ‘’What do you fancy to eat?’’
Ava: ‘’I don’t mind what we have?’’
Rose: ‘’Well why don’t you come and have a look?’’
Ava: ‘’Put I’m sorting the film out’’
*Chooses a film and puts it in the DVD player*
Rose: ‘’Do you want to come and choose something now?’’
Ava: ‘’I would but I’m comfy now’’
*Ava under blankets ready to watch the film*
Rose: ‘’Fine but when you get hungry it’s not my fault!’’
*Rose begins to giggle to herself as the film starts and the characters have no food to snack on*

3.      Roxanne’s feet walking towards the camera and when they get to a certain distance away they change into something else.

*audience can see the first pair of shoes walking towards the camera walking at average speed*
*as the footsteps are getting close the shoes all of a sudden change to other shoes that are walking at a slower pace as the character is wearing heels and finds it harder to walk*

*as the feet walk up the camera, the camera moves so that the backs of the shoes are showing and again these are different shoes showing the characters personalities changing* 

For some of my key scenes I created scripts so that I would be able to act them out straight away and film them so that I would be able to use them in my final trailer. 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Collective Identity Theories

Francesca Poletta & James Jaspar 

Collective identity is born in outsiders meaning the outsiders create the identity of the group although the group do have to somehow obide by or enforce this somehow. For example, if young people are the collective, adults are the outsiders so they create the identity of the group e.g Youths are all loud an wear tracksuits.

David Snow

There is non definite definition of collective identity. 'One-ness' is what you think you are and is uniquely you and 'We-ness' is what you share with other people (Attributes or experiences)

Tafjal & Turner

Everyone has different social personalities which means they have different personalities depending on who they are with. ('Multiple social identities)

Sheldon Stryker

People we interact with shape our identity 'identity negotiation' and 'social expectation' apply.

Mikhail Bakhtin

This theory purely suggests that throughout life people change for example our music taste

David Gauntlett (1)

You have to create your identity throughout life and we do this by lifestyle choice (Active/Not-active) In essence everyone wants to live their own lives but we end up up living an experimental life meaning we try out new things and see what suits us and then end up with our identity.

David Gauntlett (2)

Through parents, the media and other influences we are constantly told to create our identity but this is hard to do.

Audience Theories

Richard Dyer 
'Utopian' - perfect world, idealised world 
audiences want media products that show them the Utopian world as they are more dramatic and interesting to watch to see what happens. 

The Frankfurt School
The Hypodermic Needle Model
audiences are manipulated to be told how they think about a film as the audience is passive. 

Blumler & Katz 
audience is able to choose what media that they want to view depending on the mood of the audience member, as they try to fulfill there needs. 
  • entertainment and diversion: escapism 
  • personal relationships/social interaction: identification with characters to discuss media texts
  • personal identity: compare your life with the characters and situations 
  • information/education: find out and learn about  what is going on in the world 
David Buckingham 
young people use the media to make sense of their experiences of being able to relate to others and organising their daily lives. The media is a wallpaper to pass boredom in their lives, most of the time they see the media as being meaningless. 

Friday, 17 October 2014

Character Auditions

I researched audition tapes of real actors so that I was able to see more into the whole filming world and how they really get people to cast, when doing my research it gave me an idea to do my own audition tapes so that I was able to cast all my characters for my film however I already found the perfect people to play the characters in my trailer. 

Before any actor or actress gets a role they need to audition for the role and tell the company why they are the best person for the job. These are some examples of audition tapes from celebrities that are now famous and have done very well with their careers. To get the best actress or actor for the job the production company needs to interview and audition multiple people to see who is able to get the best out of the role as filming a film can be a very stressful job as when they mess up their acting this can become a problem for the whole film.

Key Scenes

·         Roxanne's feet walking away when they get a certain distance away the shoes change (showing that the character is changing from one person to another) This will be a mid-shot and the first pair of should will be some sort of 'Vans' trainer, then the second shoe will be Doc Martens followed by heels. This scene will show that although it is the same person (Because they are walking the same, same sized feet and nothing else changes other than the fashion) there is a wide variety of diverse personalities hopefully because there will be such a dramatic change in the fashion. 
·         Sat in the same location (In Erin's bedroom) but the small objects and the mood changes to show the separate characters personalities, the shelves in the background will be constantly changing. This, along with the first scene that I mentioned will hopefully inform the audience about the different characters all forming from the one main character of Roxanne.
·         Looking into a mirror Roxanne can be applying makeup as her personality is beginning to change and she realises that she does like this type of look anymore. Starts off with her applying mascara (normal girl make up) then looks over to foundation and puts loads of it on to show the sudden change along with then applying lipstick. This will show the different characters and the difference in people (as everyone is slightly unique than another).
·         There will be a scene at school which will be showing that the characters are all normal people and that people that suffer from MPD are just the same as everyday people. Where they are able to establish relationships with other people that are in the school and can find similarities with other people who do not have MPD and show what the character did before everything went wrong and she murders her friends.
·         To show the relationships of the characters in the film there will be a scene of a ‘date night’ where the characters are at their happiest the characters that will be shown on the date will be the lesbian couple challenging stereotypes of couples and that no matter the sexuality all couples are the same, whether they are happy or sad (this relationship is the happiest one which enforces the idea of happiness in love).
·         Along with this there will be a variation of different shots to show the contrast in different characters. 

These are the key scenes that will be used in my trailer to make sure that I am able to get the story across to the audience. They are all very different from one another as they are all in different locations which will start interest for the audience along with all of the characters being in a different situations which makes the audience think about what will happen next and get them interested in my film. The key scenes will be recorded so that I am able to use them in my trailer when producing it. 

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Trailer Props and Locations

This is a list of all of the different locations and props that might occur in my trailer.

Write a list of props you will need for your trailer;
  • Spare sets of clothes for the actors/actresses that are playing two characters (which are Sophie and Will) make sure that they have the correct costumes to play the personality of the character
  • Fake blood for the murder scenes and make things look realistic for the audience.
  • A weapon used for the murders of the characters.
  • Glasses for Ava who will need them for her character
  • Make up, again used by the characters and will show the change in the characters personalties.
  • Music Albums/DVD covers to show the change in taste by the characters and what the different personalities enjoy.
  • Cigarettes for Vivienne to use during filming (character change again)
  • Black Hat for Evan to wear
  • Ring for engagement
All Props link to all of the characters differently as each character has their own role and events that they need to carry out throughout the trailer. 
Write a list of locations for your trailer;
  • Park that some of the characters will be using as a way to show that the characters change.
  • Erin's House is another location where the characters feel comfortable, this is where some of the main scenes will occur
  • Sophie's house where the couple of Rose and Ava are comfortable and at their happiest in the relationship
  • Road side as this can be where the protagonist changes or meets up with other partners
  • Mental hospital (school) where Roxanne ends up going to help her get better.
  • Interrogation room where she is asked questions about the murder.
  • School where some of the relationships started.

Audience Feedback

I showed my target audience my teaser trailer/pitch and asked them what their own personal opinions were on it my asking them the questions below. I then recorded their anwsers so that I could show a range of different skills by uploading the interviews up on soundcloud. All of the people that I interviewed fit in with my target audience.  

How old are you?
What is your occupation?
What is your favourite genre of film? 
"Horror or Thriller"
Would you want to watch my film in the cinema? 
"Probably it would be a film I would go and see with my friends."
What is your favourite part about my Teaser Trailer/Pitch?
"Where the characters change from one to another and it is a big plot twist."
What is our story?
"Im guessing it is to do with a relationship that goes wrong?"
Can you relate to the characters?
"I can relate to the female character who is in the relationship" 
How could I improve on the story that I have?
"Make it a clearer change between the characters when they walk into the camera view."

I could not get the person from the interview to be in a video so I transcribed what they had said. 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Trailer Presentation


I made a pitch so that I was able to show my ideas for the trailer that me and Sophie will be making it shows my character profiles and the actors that will be playing them, then some title ideas for what I could call my trailer along with my ideas for the narrative of the trailer and the final plot synopsis.

Monday, 13 October 2014


Genre Theory

Rick Altman
Semantic Elements - visual or sound, clues and signs that help the audience notice the genre (for example darkness). Syntactic Elements - themes and plots, they are harder to find and see but make up the story.
Steve Neale 
''difference in repetition'', take familiar ides from a range of different films of the same genre (psychological thriller) and puts them all together. genre evolution: the form finds itself, the classic, stretching the boundaries, parody and homage.

Narrative Theory:

Tzentan Todoroz
Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, New Equilibrium
Claude Levi-Strauss
Binary Opposites
Vladimir Propp
Character types; villain, doner, the helper (magical), princess, father, dispatcher, hero (anti-hero)
Roland Barthes
Open and closed questions, narrative codes: action codes and enigma codes.

Representation Theory:

Angela McRobbie
Men and women represented through stereotypes, traditional gender roles
Laura Mulvey 
'male gaze' - women are either the 'virgin' or the 'whore' - dichotomy (a contrast between two things that are different)
Stanley Cohen
That groups in society are demonised causing moral panic.

These theories are for genre, narrative and representation who have evolved the ways that producers of films and audiences look at films now and how they looked at them in the future.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Teaser Trailer - The Pitch

I made this video to try advertising my trailer to my target audience and I will be asking my audiences opinions on what they have seen and see what I can add and change to make it more suitable for my audience. The teaser trailer involves all of the main characters and shows the sorts of costumes that the characters will be wearing, the teaser trailer/pitch shows parts of the story of my trailer.

Treatment for Movie Trailer Production

This is my final decision on what I would like to do on my trailer and did some more planning on the name of my production company and also the beginning, middle and end of my narraive so that I would be able to acheive what I would like to do and be able to show to my audience when the trailer is complete. Along with planning my target audience and the locations/costumes of my charcters this will mean that when I come to making my actual media product I will be able to film knowing what I would like to aim for.
Production Company Name: ‘Balanced Productions’
Production Team Members: Erin Booker-Smallwood & Sophie Canning
Title of Production: From Bethlehem to Bedlam
Genre: Psychological Thriller
A girl called Roxanne in a relationship with Tate, they are engaged and in a happy and stable relationship. However he discovers that she has a variation of different relationship's and looks but she tends to leave the house when this happens so he doesn't discover the fact that she has MPD until the very end. Roxanne is the dominating personality but there are two other completely different personalities. Roxanne doesn't know that she has MPD but the other two do, one of the other personalities kills Tate and in anger Roxanne finds the other men that she has been seeing and kills them, until guilt and loneliness set in and she commits suicide.
Detailed Narrative Outline:
Beginning – Everyone is happy and getting on with their everyday lives, the partners of the main female character. Tate and Roxanne are planning their wedding and getting ready to marry but he is beginning to learn that things aren't always the way they seem as Roxanne starts to change moods and become almost a different person which Tate finds weird and confusing but ignores it due to his happiness in the relationship even though Roxanne isn't as happy as she seems to be about the relationship.  
Middle – We as the audience learn that there are many other relationships going on with the same person who in our film is Roxanne. The story becomes a world full of strange events as Roxanne ends up changing personalities and getting herself into different relationships where she is a whole different person with different clothes, personality and most of all partners. Roxanne is able to change the personalities that she wants to have until she starts to become scared of herself and nervous when she is able to change who she wants to be.
End – Roxanne controls all of the personalities and becomes angry at the life she has been given and ends up becoming crazy and attacking all the people that she thought she loved. Tate and Evan are murdered and Rose survives as Ava realises she is in love.
Intended Target Audience:
Teenagers as they enjoy seeing films like ours with their friends. It will be a mix of male and female audience members as both genders will be able to link with the characters. There social class will be Middle Class (due to their parent’s occupations) as they are lucky not to experience these themselves and find it interesting as they are able to learn things about MPD.
Key Characters:
Roxanne – A normal everyday girl enjoys music and reading. Doesn't stand out in the crowd.
Vivienne – Is a stereotypical ‘Goth’ listens to heavy rock music and is in a violent relationship and has many bad habits such as smoking.
Ava – Lesbian is the happiest personality and is very girly. She is also very outgoing.
Tate – Average everyday boy, met at college and is in a relationship with Roxanne.
Evan – Boyfriend of Vivienne has a dark personality and has anger issues. Tattoos and piercings.
Rose – Ava’s girlfriend has a good sense of humour and is very friendly. She knows about Ava’s other personalities.
Mise en scene:
Music – The music that we are using is Fall Out Boy Centuries due to it having a very creepy female voice and when the song is slowed down the lyrics and the tune go very well for a psychological thriller.
Lighting – there will be a mixture of low key and high key lighting due to the vast change of scenery and location that the filming will be done in. along with using natural lighting in the correct locations (outside) to show that the characters are just like normal people.
Costume – the costumes are individual to the characters, Roxanne & Tate wear stereotypical ‘normal’ clothes. Vivienne & Evan are ‘goth’ and Ava & Rose are girly girls (eg. Pink and stereotypical ‘American’ girls)
Examples of locations that we could use for our filming of the trailer.  
  • Park
  • Erin’s House
  • Sophie’s House
  • Road/Street
  • Restaurant
  • Hospital
  • Mental Hospital
  • School