Thursday, 19 March 2015

Billboard Conventions and Layouts

Conventions of a Billboard Poster;

  • Large main image 
  • Title of the product that it is advertising 
  • Actors names
  • Tagline which will follow the film 
  • Certification (what age of people are able to see the film)
  • Release date (or COMING SOON) 
  • Critic reviews

Friday, 13 March 2015

DVD Cover Conventions and Layout Plans

Conventions of a DVD cover;

·      Film Title – the name of the film which in my case would be ‘Plan C’
·      Actors that are shown in the film this tends to be at the top of the page
·      Classification  – what age are able to see the film
·      Ratings from other companies
·      Running time
·      Plot synopsis, what actually happens in the film
·      Tagline of the film
·      Images that are on the back page to show scenes in the film
·      Front cover image (normally of the main characters)
·      Release date
·      Certification box, full with all the information on who was apart of the film making
·      Special features, what is available if you buy the DVD
·      Barcode
·      Disc information whether or not it is bluray 

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Another Flickr Link

I have reposted my Flickr link due to not wanting to go to the bottom of the blog for easy access to my images.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Editing Images For Posters

This is the image that I began with where I had already put an effect on the background to make it look cracked and I also put the focus of the image on the face and blurred on the bottom of the dress by using an online program called Pixlr. This is where I then began to change the brightness and contrast of the image to make sure that the whole image looked dark on the page to make sure that the audience knew this character in the trailer was evil and dangerous for anyone else in the trailer. 

I then changed the amount of vibrancy on the image to make it just look facially brighter and to fade out the background a little bit more faded to make the face and foreground stand out more than the background. 

With the image I put a slight affect on it to make sure that it again looked dark.  

Trailer Posters

These are the posters that I have made for my trailer to advertise to the audience what the film is about and the main character that is in it, I followed the layouts that I made to make sure that made everything look professional on the page along with following the correct house style to make sure that it links in with the other products that I have made. 

Monday, 9 March 2015

Editing Trailer More...

This is something else that I did when I was editing my trailer where I changed the lighting that was on top of the clip to make some of the clips seem darker and show the contrast in characters and shots more. This is a screenshot showing some of the changes that we were going to make and how they would of affected the trailer.

Friday, 6 March 2015

New Intertitles

These are the new intertitles that I have created due to not thinking that the other ones were suitable enough for the productions, spellings have been changed as well due to the word productions originally being spelt wrong in the developments of the drafts of the trailer along with then having an informal 'Plan C' main title shown at the end of the trailer.  

February Feedback

This is my February Feedback on my blog, I have commented on it along with my teacher telling me what I have done well and what I can improve on in the future. Another thing that I forgot to add onto the feedback form is that I have made all of my actors sign the risk assessment agreement where I have been able to manage all of the people that are in my trailer through phone calls and texts. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Trailer Draft 2 with Voice Over

This is the second draft of my trailer where I have added a voice over on top of the music, however I do not like the way that it sounds so in my final trailer it shall not have the voice over. When making the voice over with Joseph who is the male voice in the clip we all watched the trailer and recorded it over when we thought how it should have gone if we were really sat in an interrogation room being interviewed for a murder.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Poster Conventions and Layouts

Conventions of a movie poster;

  • Eye catching to make the audience see an interest in watching the film 
  • masthead 
  • house style following the same used in other print products and trailer (the use of similar fonts and colours) 
  • additional information such as directors and producers name, normally shown at the bottom of the page
  • subheadings 
  • main image 
  • age certification 
  • awards from competitions the film has been entered for
  • quotes from magazine companies
These are the 4 layouts that I have made for my poster, I think that these layouts will help the audience notices my products from other ones as they are able to see the main image shown on all of the posters.